Zaterdag, 23 mei 2020
Even een GVRAT1000K overzichtje: gelopen/gewandeld totaal 187 Miles, 301 km en dat is 29.5% van de hele trail. Waynesboro is gepasseerd. Straks kunnen er weer 11 km bijgeschreven worden. Vanmorgen werden eerst de honden uitgelaten. We hebben Milo, de hond van Henny, opgehaald, zodat hij met de onze kon mee ravotten aan het water. Milo werd daarna weer naar zijn huis gebracht. Om half acht konden we vertrekken voor de wandeling. Het was nog rustig, hier en daar wat sporters en hondenuitlaters. Twee uur later waren we weer thuis. Een ontbijtje met koffie erbij was onze beloning. We naderen nu Deerfield. Wil ik de 400 km deze maand halen, dan moet ik vanaf nu 12,5 km per dag wandelen/lopen. En dan zal het steeds 13,5 km per dag worden. Ben benieuwd of ik dat volhoud nu nog drie maanden lang.
Zondag, 24 mei 2020
Vandaag gaat het regenen. Goed voor de natuur, maar ik kan nog voor de regen mijn duurloopje doen. Er is wel wind uit het westen. Wat het uithoudingsvermogen betreft: dat gaat de goede kant op. Zeker als ik ook bij de lange langzame duurloop let op drinken en eten. Vandaag lekker rustig gelopen. Ook de tijd genomen voor een paar foto’s.
Hieronder heb ik een mail gekopieerd die Laz heeft gestuurd aan alle deelnemers van de GVRAT
May 23, 2020 | |
First of all, thank you for choosing The Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee 1000KYou are part of a group of 19,000 runners, representing 77 countries, and 22 of the 24 time zones.Little did we know when we decided to try this race, that it would be so popular.There was literally no platform on Earth that was set up to handle this volume in the manner we wanted to present it to you; not just a race where you sign up for a t-shirt, then record your finish time, or mileage at the end of a one-day virtual run, and then buy a medal if you want one.Instead we wanted to give you something that you can look forward to every day. Something to get you moving again… to be able to see your progress on a map, and zoom into a street-level view of the beautiful countryside of Tennessee. And more than a whole Summer’s worth!Then, add in the genius of Laz, the mastermind behind some of the most brilliant races in the world, and one of the great storytellers of our time, and you have an event that is unlike any other… one that we will all talk about for ages.Of course there were growing pains as we attempted to keep up with demand, and if it weren’t for some brilliant work by Mike and Naresh, and the incredible work being done by Awesome Table, we would not be where we are now. The Great Virtual Run Across Tennessee Tracking is “Powered by Awesome Table“. Thanks for weathering the storm with us. The system is working smoothly now for over 99% of you. There are still a few who haven’t quite gotten it, and we’re here to help. But we need your help as well… thank you for your cooperation. Important news: regarding adding miles to dates longer than 3 days prior to the current date: The fact you did not read it is irrelevant… Judge Judy A lot of people have been awakened the last couple of days by no longer being able to enter their miles back to the beginning of time. We have tried everything we know to tell you that this day was coming. If you chose not to read it, that is on you. We cannot continue to process every transaction from the start of the race, every day. There are too many people and the file is too big. There came a day when we simply had to cut it off. We are going to leave it that way thru the weekend, in hopes of penetrating the awareness of the majority of the people who simply can not spare 30 seconds a day to enter their miles. Then early next week, we will give you a grace period to enter the miles you have failed to enter before. Define: Early next week: 25th 7am CDT (12:00UTC) *Monday* to 27th 7am CDT (12:00 UTC) *Wednesday* When the grace period is over, it will go back to a 3 day window. For good. If you try to put a ginormous number in, it will be rejected…. Runners can check if all their entries from May 1 – 23 is recorded. Only under exceptional circumstances can the mileage from previous dates can be modified. Here is how it is. If there is a limit on how long you have to enter, we get a bunch of complaints. If you jump in there and put in weeks worth of mileage at once, we get a bunch of complaints. Maybe you think; “there are only 4 of them, they cannot possibly monitor 19,000 entrants.” You are right. But you have 19,000 fellow runners to do that for us. Your actions are not invisible. Here is the compelling argument I hear for doing whatever you want to do. “I don’t care, and it is all about me.” Reality check. It is NOT all about you. If you keep your mileage on a spreadsheet and read it to yourself, that is all about you. Here, you are part of a community of 19,000 people, and sometimes being a member of a community requires some small concession, rather than just doing anything you want. We cannot keep the system running for 19,000 people unless you find the 30 seconds to enter your distance. Write down you distances, and when the grace period is announced after the weekend, put them in. |
LOCATION:Memphis, TN US 37920 TYPE:Virtual Race |